Once you log in (with a name you intend to keep!) you'll likely be warmly greeted (I certainly hope so!) and hopefully even offered help, if someone is available to assist you in getting started.  You'll find most players on Your Land are very willing to help you if you show some initiative and are able to follow directions.

You may want to hit F5 if you're on computer.  Notice that gives you some info at the top of your screen.  Importantly, it shows which direction you're facing, so you don't have to wait until sun rise or sun set to see which way is North, East, South or West.  It shows your coordinates, which you can share with others with the chat command /coords or with just one player using /coords PlayerName


You'll need food to stay alive long enough to figure out everything else, so one of your first stops should probably be the public farm.  To find that, walk North from /spawn past the church until you get near the end of the road, you turn right and follow along to the public farm.  There you may harvest crops so you have enough to replant and also enough to eat or take the remainder home to grow your own garden.

Different crops yield different amounts.  As a newbie I would suggest carrots because they are high yield so easy to replant and get enough for yourself.  Plus you don't have to cook them.  If you chop some trees down, you can start to make yourself weapons and tools out of wood.  You can also use the leaves in the furnaces the top of farm street to cook things, such as very nutritious potatoes and corn.

Some plants you have to craft the pieces into seeds to replant, such as peppers and some others as well.  Melons you have to use a cutting board, which you likely don't have the recipe ingredients to make that yet, so there is an NPC nearby, named Uncle Owen, who can chop your melon for you so you can replant the pieces.

Again - it's best to stick with something like carrots, peas, beetroot and blueberries until you get the hang of things.

Once you can harvest and replant crops it's definitely time to work on your weapons and tools, such as a sword.  You can start at the public tree farm at the corner of farm and church street.  You can even chop some trees with your bare hands to make your first wood axe.  I recommend doing that because once you can wield an axe, you can chop a tree trunk while holding down the shift key to chop most of tree farm at once!  Just make sure you have full hunger when you do it.

The public farms are NOT as safe as the rest of the city because players have to be able to plant there, it is 'open' area, which means monsters can also spawn there, so make some extra wooden swords while you're at it and keep on guard, especially at night and most especially for the 'mime' which is mob that can mimic anything from a monster to a puppy dog to a dirt block to blades of grass.  These are quite common around the tree farm so keep an eye out while working around the farm.  They often look like storage chests.

Replanting the public farm is your first real test as a Your Lander - and you pass it by carefully replanting all the crops you harvest before leaving each field, just replant it and keep the left over.  If you don't know how to replant the more complicated ones, ask in chat as failure to replant can result in loss of public farm priv.


West of the /spawn point you will find a basic tutorial on your left and a more advanced tutorial on your right across the street.  It's a good idea to go through these to become familiar with a lot of basic functions in the game.  Highly recommended, and you might just learn something you didn't know!


Your Land has two transport ships.  One is a sail ship and it's out the EAST gate of Haven (spawn city) and the other is an airship and it's behind the Museum in the SW corner of Haven.  To see directions watch where the sun sets and rises or hit F5 to see directions and coordinates or Gear/Gear on mobile devices.

To learn more about mobile device controls, there are a couple books on it in the Haven Library in the Newbie Guides shelf (first part of second row) inside the door of the library on your left as you enter.

The ships take you to cities, which to settle in them you need to speak to the mayor.  A way to go to true wilderness is to use the goblin catapult, which is located in the mini games section of Haven behind the chess board.  Once you locate the goblin talk to him about going somewhere nobody has been before and then chose one of the locations.  On the catapult choose the first option "Wait, what? Noooooooo" and you will be on your way.  You will make a nice water landing and just swim to shore and walk to an area that is some distance and choose a spot.  Maybe visit more than one destination on the goblin so you can find one that suits you.

Keep an eye on the lower left of your screen for Area info showing owners.  When you land you will see the area is owned by Service.  You need to get at least 300 nodes away from the Service Area to claim your own spot.  This spot also must be 300 from any city and 150 from any other players, or you will see a warning in the chat when you protect it.

To protect use either markers (see recipe in guide) or protect a standard area of 64x128x64 by standing in the center of it and doing the chat command /protect_this AreaName - so for example Warrior93 wants his own protected land, so he would do /protect_this Warrior Home

This would result in the area info in the lower left saying Warrior Home (1234) Warrior93 but if you see warnings in chat that you are too close to others, you must use /remove_area 1234 and start over after moving further away from others.

Ask in chat for help with protecting your area and please use locked chests to store your things so they're safe once you start building!  For more on protected areas, see /help and areas and also scroll down to yl_areas_addon for all of our custom areas commands.


Your Land is a server that enforces good manners.

Our motto and rule is Be excellent to each other and yourselves.  This means family friendly chat, don't beg, repeat, harass, taunt, YELL or otherwise bother other players.  As a player here yourself you will be protected as much as the players that have been here for a long time.  Our active Admin Team, Dev Team, Staff Team and Bailiffs are online every day - we're very hands on, whatever you do is logged, whatever you say in the main chat is seen.  If you wish to talk privately you can use some chat commands to do that.  Griefing is not allowed at all on this server.  If someone is less than excellent please do /report PlayerName and if warranted we will procure a good outcome.


To speak to the other players, just hit /t (for talk) and type away, ask questions, ask for help.  If you want to officially thank someone, do /thankyou PlayerName and that will go down in their records, that they were helpful - so it's much appreciated!

If you want to speak privately (DM) with another player, you just type /msg or /m PlayerName and then follow with your message.

JOIN        /c j ChannelName will take you out of main chat and enter you into your own channel
LEAVE     /c l will take you out of your sub channel and return you to the main chat

For more advanced chat commands, see /help


If you wish to learn more about Minetest Ores, check the last subject on the FAQ page. (Link on navigation above)

Site design and css 2024 by daydream for YourLand Minetest Server.