Voice is an entity of unknown source, size, dimension or intention.  Voice has been attacking cities on Your Land since the beginning, so we band together and fight to preserve our way of life.  You can read more about Voice in the Voice Library at the back of Haven Town Hall.


Books of poetry, lore, play narratives, guides, tips and tricks or battle stories are very popular on Your Land.  Submitting books to the mailbox outside the Haven Public Library is encouraged so everyone can enjoy the books other players may write.  Do not return library books!  Feel free to keep them or throw them away - the mailbox is for NEW books only!


Every month we have a bailiff vote.  Bailiffs are friendly players who wish to help out newbies and all players with questions of all type and manner on game play or how to succeed while really trying.  If a bailiff is helping you out please pay attention and follow directions - they are trying to help you get the most out of this great game.  If anyone helping you deserves a /thankyou PlayerName be sure to give one as it's highly appreciated!


First you can try toggling "r" to enable or disable unlimited view
Also try - (minus key) to bring down the view range until you feel the lag is cleared up

Sometimes the server experiences lag or lag spikes, which hopefully pass with a bit of time and you can get back to what you were doing without any great inconvenience.  Sometimes lag is expected due to server operations, in which case you will see a warning just prior to the operation.


There are several ways out of the spawn area, which is heavily protected already, so you can't build on it.  One way is to just walk out one of the gates or swim across some open water to distant lands.  There is also a ship out the East Harbor gate that has many cities to choose from that are not as heavily populated as Haven (spawn city).  There is also an air ship port in Haven, in the South West corner behind the museum with yet more cities to choose from.

A great option is the goblin catapult in the mini game area behind the chess board.  This will catapult you to areas no one has gone before.  You choose one of the areas and then choose "Wait! What?  Nooooooooo" and you'll be dropped in some water (for your own safety) - just swim ashore and start exploring.  The shoreline is protected so you can get to shore safely... You'll need to walk a bit in some direction to find your own wilderness land that you can then protect.


When you do find a spot you'd like to call home, it's good to /sethome while standing there.  That way you can travel quickly back and forth from the city to home by toggling between /spawn and /home which is very handy.


To get a plot in a protected city, just speak with the mayor of that city.  It won't be as large of a plot you can protect out in the wild, but it will be safer in most ways so you have a home base you can store things at or grow some things, or even open a shop and start selling some things.


While mining ores, it maybe be helpful to know how deep you need to be.  The deeper you get, the more ores you'll find. Ores generate at a height of Y = 64 or lower, starting with coal ore and becoming more and more valuable as you go deeper. At a height of Y = -4096 or lower, all ores can be found at their peak probability. 

There are some silver deposits as high up as -64 to 127, some mithril as high up as -2048 to -4095 and some rainbow as high up as -200, but for the most part if you get below -4096 you're more likely to find what you're looking for in higher quantities.  See Ores - Minetest Wiki for more details on default ores.

Ores are generated in 2 variants: small cluster and big cluster. The small cluster variant has clusters with a few ores and is usually less likely to appear and is found in the underground above -4096 and the big cluster variant has usually more ores per cluster and is more likely to appear, but found below -4096.



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